Who’s That Blonde has been nominated for: The Liebster Award!

The Liebster Award is a huge part of blogging community, and a way for fellow bloggers to reward other bloggers on their new blogs. Who’s that Blonde has been nominated by two lovely bloggers: Hannah Harvey of Life of a Twenty Something and Georgia Michalopoulou of Big Fashion Talk and I am honestly so grateful. Please go and check both girls out, as their blogs are absolutely brilliant.


I’ve been blogging for just over a month and I’m so blown away by the community of fellow bloggers – who are all so supportive and friendly. I love interacting with other bloggers and those who take the time to read my posts (thanks guys!) and this really is an amazing boost for me to keep on working hard.

Once nominated for  Liebster award, after thanking and linking the blogger who nominated you, you have to answer their unique set of questions, before nominating at least 3 more blogs and coming up with your own.


Thanks again to both girls who nominated me, here are my answers below.

What’s the story behind your decision to start blogging?
I have always loved writing and I’ve been following fashion and lifestyle blogs for years now. I saw the opportunity to start my own as a way to write about topics I’m interested in, and excuse my (mild) shopping addiction. 
Who is your favourite blogger?
My favourite blogger is Charlotte Fisher of “things i do, think and buy.” She’s a natural beauty, who blogs about affordable fashion, and I always check her blog to decide on new outfits for upcoming events.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I’m not particularly well travelled, so this is a very tricky question! I have always loved Spain and would love to improve my spanish skills by living over there for a year or so, soaking up the arty culture and enjoying their delicious food.
What is your goal for your blog?
My goal for my blog is to continue to interact with readers and actually gain some photography skills. I haven’t thought honestly where my blog could go, but I am always so excited by comments/ likes, that I am planning to continue to improve my content and thus increase interaction; that would be amazing!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I have absolutely no idea, but I like it that way.
When you were a child, what did you want to be and why?
I always wanted to be a vet as I am an absolute animal lover. I sadly learnt that vets mainly only see animals in pain (and you have to put your hand up animals butts) and I was soon put off by the idea!
What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?
I’d like to go travelling around Europe / Sky dive / Run a marathon.
What’s your ‘go to’ social networking site?
Instagram everytime! Follow me: katcoogan.
What is your favourite motto?
Well behaved women rarely make history.
The Bloggers I have decided to nominate:
Shandel @ Shandel Faith 
Questions for you lovely bloggers to answer:
1) What you name your autobiography and why?
2) What do you hope to gain from the blogging community?
3) If you could write for any publication / company, who would it be and why?
4) What is your go to website when online shopping?
5) If you could have one item to help improve your blog, what would it be?
6) Are your friends and family supportive, regular readers of your blog?
7) Who is your favourite blogger?
8) If you could amend your blog in anyway, what it be and why?
9) What do you think of the government discussing putting regulations in place to help protect bloggers?
10) You’re stuck on a desert Island and can have 5 items delivered to you. What are those items?
I love all of the above blogs for various reasons, want to wish everyone a well done on your blogs and I cannot wait to read your replies!
Love x

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